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by Rafe
Fri Jul 01, 2022 2:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

philip964 wrote: Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:35 am
Far as I know this is Brandon’s pick for spent nuclear fuel.

Sure hope he/she/they/it is good at their job as a dirty bomb in the US would be catastrophic.

You have to touch the picture to see their shoes.
Gack. Just so that no one else has to actually click on that Twitter link to see the, er, whole ensemble, photo attached. And now I'm doing a DOD overwrite on it to permanently get it off my hard drive...
by Rafe
Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:29 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

mayor wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:06 am It's a week old but it's still funny.
I hadn't seen it before. Just sat here laughing for three minutes straight. I pictured a Biden '24 campaign commercial:

Queue scenes of patriotic statues, buildings, the flag. Fade in inspiring music, maybe Copeland's Fanfare for the Common Man. Queue awesome movie-trailer voiceover: "Re-elect President Biden in 2024. Because...asufutimaehaehfutbw!" End with a music crescendo; show web address for donations. (Note: do not have Biden say, "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message." It will require over 100 takes and he'll still get it wrong.)
by Rafe
Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:59 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

YOU never take responsibility for anything. YOU blame Putin. You blame COVID. YOU blame Trump. YOU blame America's energy companies. YOU blame America's shipping industry. YOU blame America's baby formula manufacturers. YOU blame grocery stores and small-business gas stations. YOU blame the Afghans. YOU blame Trump.

...Speaking of the energy sector, did everyone see the minor media mention that after inviting the Big Oil CEOs to the White House for a meeting, Biden didn't even bother to show up? Maybe he had a bout of mental incontinence that day.

He had Jennifer Granholm meet with them instead. Granholm, the U.S. Secretary of Energy who was born in Canada and served as attorney general and governor of that energy producing state, Michigan. Before that, after graduating Harvard Law School, she worked on the Michael Dukakis 1988 presidential campaign, worked as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan in 1991, and then in 1995 became Corporation Counsel for Wayne County, where she defended the county against lawsuits and sued the state over road taxes. She was hired by CNN as a political contributor in 2017, which is what she was doing when Biden tapped her to be energy secretary.

Her entire experience and expertise in the energy sector is that she can spell all of the following words: oil, gas, fossil, drill, solar, wind, and renewable.
by Rafe
Sat Jun 18, 2022 7:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

mayor wrote: Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:55 pm What was the helmet for? there's nothing to protect.
Well, you know. Normal human brains take up most of the cranial space. Uncle Joe's has shrunk. So there's a lot more room for the remaining ball of gray matter to bounce around and ping off the skull. So, yeah...helmet.
by Rafe
Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:48 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

Biden falls while getting off bike after beach ride near his Delaware home
Biden, 79, and first lady Jill Biden were wrapping up a morning ride [Saturday at Cape Henlopen State Park near his beach home in Delaware] when the president decided to pedal over to a crowd of well-wishers standing by the bike trail. Biden, who was wearing a helmet, tumbled when he tried to dismount....

"I'm good," he told reporters after U.S. Secret Service Agents quickly helped him up. "I got my foot caught."

Teddy Roosevelt boxed with sparring partners while in the White House, once being hit so hard that it blinded him in his left eye, a fact not made public until many years later. He did some training in jiu-jitsu with Yoshitsugu Yamashita and after, concerned that the U.S. would lose some military advantage in hand-to-hand fighting, Roosevelt began to advocate for jiu-jitsu training for American soldiers.

And now we have Joe Biden. Who can't reliably navigate the stairs of Air Force One, who can't extemporaneously speak in complete sentences, and who can't get off his own bicycle.

The world and all its leaders have deep respect and admiration for the current leader of the United States.
by Rafe
Mon Jun 13, 2022 7:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

Grayling813 posted on Saturday in the meme topic a quotation attributed to Joe Biden in 1985, before he became cognitively diminished and a puppet for radical Democrats. I wanted a definitive source for that quotation, so I looked it up.

It was from the floor of the Senate on July 9, 1985, in discussion of the Firearm Owners Protection Act.

This link is to a large, 48MB PDF file; it is the official Congressional Record for that date. The PDF looks like it's only a compilation of images, but it's actually text-searchable.

This may be no better time for us, and more importantly for our present legislators, to read the entire exchange and information submitted. It starts on page 12 of the PDF; the page number in the document is 18155. But the quotation is taken from Biden's statement on PDF page 86 (document page 18229) in the center column:
Senator Joe Biden, July 9, 1985 wrote: I give credit to Senator Hatch and the National Rifle Association for their willingness to compromise and develop a revised bill that would strike a fair balance between unnecessary restrictions and regulations on lawful ownership of rifles and handguns and the legitimate interests of law enforcement in carrying out their responsibilities. I believe the compromises that are now a part of this bill have resulted in a balanced piece of legislation that protects the rights of private gun owners while not infringing on law enforcement's ability to deal with those who misuse guns or violate laws.

During my 12 1/2 years as a Member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control or Federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control. In my opinion a national register or ban of handguns would be impossible to carry out and may not result in reductions in crime.

There will be several amendments offered today that warrant close attention and I will listen to the authors' argument very carefully before deciding how I will vote. However, on the whole, I am satisfied with the revisions to the bill made in committee, and I believe this bill makes improvements to existing law.
On the final presentation of the bill, Biden voted "yea"; the important Firearm Owners Protection Act was passed by the Senate and eventually signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on May 19, 1986.

During the discussion that day in the Senate, the late Jesse Helms also made some salient points. One of which, I believe, leads straight to the heart of the far-left's constant desire to destroy--or legislate the guts out of--the Second Amendment:
Senator Jesse Helms wrote: Mr. President, the right to keep and bear arms has a long and honorable history in the United States. It is, of course, enshrined in the Second Amendment to the Constitution and was reckoned as fundamental by our Founding Fathers--both Federalist and anti-Federalist.

It is important that we who serve in the Senate in 1985 pause to remember why the founders of our country viewed the right to own guns as fundamental. Of course, they knew the importance of firearms for hunting--not just for sport but for supplying food for the family. They also knew that, in a largely frontier society, guns were vital for self-defense against common criminals who were a constant threat to the safety and survival of innocent law-abiding citizens.

Today, these same arguments are presented in support of preserving the rights of gun ownership, and properly so because they are valid arguments.

However, for the Founding Fathers, neither of these arguments was the overriding reason in favor of an armed citizenry. For them, the most important reason for gun ownership was political--that is, armed citizens constituted an effective hedge against tyrants. Fresh from their victory over the British, they had indelibly impressed on their minds the political importance of citizens who owned and knew how to use guns.

Mr. President, many in Washington today do not want to be reminded of this political function of gun ownership. After saddling the American people with nearly $2 trillion in Federal debt, failing to act effectively to stop the spread of Communist tyranny around the world, and presiding over the destruction of fundamental American values such as innocent human life in the womb, religious liberty, the institution of the family, the neighborhood school, and public morality in general, it is small wonder that the Washington establishment would prefer to ignore the political reasons for the right to bear arms.

But we should not ignore these reasons, and we especially should not ignore them at a time when the Government seems incapable of protecting its citizens against international terrorism. Surely it takes no great wisdom to see that American citizens--with the full freedom to buy, sell, and own firearms--will be safer in their persons and possessions against terrorism than citizens without such freedom.
An article by Stephen P. Halbrook, entitled "To Keep and Bear Their Private Arms: The Adoption of the Second Amendment, 1787-1791," appearing in the Northern Kentucky Law Review (1982), was introduced and printed in the record.

And if any of our current crop of ban-everything zealots wants to take the time to research their history, at the time of this Senate discussion the civilian, semi-automatic, not-an-assault-weapon, AR-15 sporting rifle had already been available for individual sale for 22 years. It was introduced by Colt in 1963, and when Colt's patents expired in 1977 the popularity of the modular, utilitarian rifle grew exponentially after other manufacturers started making their own variants.
by Rafe
Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:22 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

Dang it's good to have a powerful, decisive, sharp, and respected President of the United States! I tell ya, this guy is like a combination of Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan! America is back, baby! Just like he said it would be in his campaign!
by Rafe
Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:06 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

The thing that totally baffles me--but I have to remind myself that I'm not all that far past the top of the IQ hill--is that the progressives and Green-New-Dealers stand adamant and pressure Biden's handlers on the whole stop U.S. production of fossil fuels thing. Keystone XL Pipeline bad; kill it as one of the first acts of the new administration. Drilling on U.S. soil or waters bad; shut down permitting and exploration.

Importing more oil from other countries, even those who are enemies to the U.S.? Good. Because it isn't U.S. oil production.

One question (I have many, but just this one for now), since the biggest concern among all concerns is climate change from all that fossil fuel...just ask genius diplomat John Kerry about that.

Exactly how does the progressive, anti-capitalist left think that oil gets to the U.S.? Ain't no pipelines to Venezuela or Iran or the OPEC countries. Ain't no Star Trek matter transporters to do it. It's pumped into huge tankers and those huge tankers navigate their way across the ocean. What exactly powers those tankers? Or the pumping that gets the oil into them and then out of them in the U.S. It ain't pixie dust. The net use of fossil fuels, globally, is significantly less per barrel of oil used in the U.S. if it's sourced in the U.S. or near its shores than it is a barrel of oil produced half a world away and shipped here.

The big commercial vessels burn HFO, heavy fuel oil. They're typically designed for sustained speeds of around 20 to 25 knots, or approx. 23 to 28 miles per hour. A Panamax class tanker will consume about 60,000 to 63,000 gallons of fuel per day at that speed.

Seven of the 10 largest oil refineries in the U.S. are in Texas and Louisiana. One each in Indiana, California, and Mississippi round out the top 10. Northwest Venezuela to Louisiana is over 1,875 miles. Southeast Saudi around South Africa to Louisiana is over 13,700 miles; if they were to ship via the Mediterranean Sea, it's over 7,800 miles.

So in those three scenarios, at 25 miles per hour, running 24 hours per day, it take would take:
  • From Venezuela: 75 hours x 60,000 = 187,500 gallons of fuel
  • From Saudi around South Africa: 548 hours x 60,000 = 1,370,000 gallons of fuel
  • From Saudi through the Mediterranean: 312 hours x 60,000 = 780,000 gallons of fuel
It's all about slowing global climate change, huh? Sure it is...

BTW, WTI Crude hit $130 per barrel for a while today; it's sitting at about $121 right now. is a good source to keep up with it, and another source I like because it summarizes oil plus other consumables is
by Rafe
Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:24 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

We're all saved! The world is saved!

Because Biden is sending Kamala back to Europe.

Because that worked so well the first time. When Kamala successfully communicated to the Europeans that they were in Europe, and that war was bad.

If only we could get Kamala a personal audience with Putin. After an hour or so, Vladimir might throw up his arms and shout, "Just shoot me now!" And maybe, just maybe, one of his officers would follow his orders...
by Rafe
Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:41 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

President Biden went off-script several times...and misread and got lost several times. The original script, as it was on the teleprompter, was leaked. It's attached as a ZIPed file because the forum won't let me upload a plain text file. Useful especially for those who couldn't sit through that much Uncle Joe with Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer hovering.

With almost every poll number in the toilet, this was his one best chance and largest audience to address the American people. If we'd muffled all the partisan Democrat applause, and all we'd have heard would have been Biden and a couple of crickets in the balcony. The word "invest" is in there 12 times; the word "cost" 20 times. And he still managed to say nothing specific.

The part about guns came right after--and as part of--crime, how the answer was never about defunding police, and why we must pass his budget in order to "keep our neighborhoods safe."
Joe Biden on March 1, 2022 wrote: And I will keep doing everything in my power to crack down on gun trafficking and ghost guns you can buy online and make at home—they have no serial numbers and can’t be traced.

And I ask Congress to pass proven measures to reduce gun violence. Pass universal background checks. Why should anyone on a terrorist list be able to purchase a weapon?

Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can’t be sued.

These laws don’t infringe on the Second Amendment. They save lives.
by Rafe
Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:21 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

Ha! Did you hear him refer to the "Ukrainian people" as the "Iranian people"?
by Rafe
Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

My bets: For this first-ever Biden state of the union address, the first thing that will strike us is that masks won't be seen. Don't want the public to see masks.

Second, Ukraine will be the 1st or 2nd subject, and Joe will take full credit for standing up to Putin and leading NATO countries to do the same.
by Rafe
Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:50 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon - Has Made His SCOTUS Pick

Biden to nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court ... wn-jackson
"I’m proud to announce that I am nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court," Biden wrote in a Friday morning tweet confirming his pick. "Currently serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, she is one of our nation’s brightest legal minds and will be an exceptional Justice."
Her Wikipedia bio:

The Brady Bunch applauds the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson: ... reme-court
We need a justice on the court who understands that there is no daylight between the right to bear arms and laws that protect Americans from the threat of gun violence and a justice who understands that the effects of our laws fall on Americans differently. While we look forward to hearing from her and those who know her in the confirmation hearings, it appears that Judge Brown Jackson is such a jurist.
The 77-page PDF record of her responses to the Senate Judiciary Committee as nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit: ... onses1.pdf
by Rafe
Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1672
Views: 1274522

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

In a Fox interview after the, er, press conference, Nikki Haley said basically that this was Biden's last opportunity to stand up and act like a leader, and he blew it.

Gotta give it to Brandon, though. He's proving to be one of our history's most consistent presidents.

He fails at everything. Not just some of the time, all of the time.

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